
Splinterlands cards are great value right now and getting cheaper.

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2 min read

Prices are dropping rapidly

This is a snapshot of the current markets.

Filtered to show the cheapest maxed out cards on offer.

The majority of these are the newest reward cards but it's not too long ago that the cheapest maxed out cards on offer were over $100. Now almost all of these are for sale under that price.

Prices starting at $20 and even maxed out legendaries for just $55. Those are insane bargains for the future.

This is all very familiar to me. This is exactly how the prices went the last time that we had a big release for the reward cards and even for the untamed cards that were coming fresh out of the packs.

Back then there were very few pack openings that were worth more than the price of the pack itself.

At $4 for chaos packs I can see this being the case once again.

With general sale looming over us we will see millions of packs sold and opened over the next few weeks.

The markets will flood with unwanted cards as people hunt for gold legendaries or to fill out their chaos decks while dumping the excess cards into an ever more saturated market where everybody tries to undercut the rest for a quick sale.

In panic there lies the opportunity.

We can already see from the small snapshot above that cards are dropping to levels like two years ago with commons going for under $0.05c.

This open up a lot of opportunity to pick up strong cards for cheap and stack them for when the print runs out.

It's happened before and it will happen again.

I'm taking the opportunity to double and triple up on my maxed out reward cards while the prices are getting near to the bottom. It won't last forever and at some stage the print will run out and the prices will start to creep up over time.

As that is happening it will be a good time to do the same with the chaos cards as they keep dropping lower.

It's hard to know just how much this will effect the prices of the older editions but at least it will be easier to build out a cheaper deck with all of the new options rather than paying over the odds for beta and untamed cards.

This is obviously all based on the game doing well and growing over the next year or so but I'm fairly confident in that as they launch land, updated guilds and more SPS use cases. The land will need monsters to work the plots and create magic cards which should increase demand on the rental market. Combine this with any positive level of growth form the new updates and we will have a good year for 2022.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta