
Will SPS moon off the back of the validators announcement?

avatar of @niallon11
3 min read

A real use case for SPS?

I hope so.

This is the price of SPS to date. A lot of people have been worried about the falling price but that was always going to happen without a real use case.

I've seen a lot of the messages and comments over the past few months wondering what is going on, expecting to get rich quickly from the token.

This is my answer to those people in Discord.

Price went down because of oversupply with no use case. We just got the first use case and supply will slow down very soon. It's almost time for it to start going back up. Crypto is a long term game.

As long as a team is pumping out thousands of free tokens every single day with nothing to use them on then people will sell them. The price will drop and as usual the majority will panic and give out about everything. The same is happening with polyCUB right now.

The smart ones sell their way to the bottom, stack hard and wait for price to meet the development. We have heard the latest plans form the team and while land is pushed out further than expected it looks like development is started to make some moves.

I always say that free is free. Any dev team that wants to give me thousands of dollars worth of free tokens is alright in my books. Honestly, feel free to keep sending me valuable crypto for nothing. I won't complain like some people.

I'm stacking hard and waiting for the price to go up. Splinterlands is the number one game in the blockchain industry right now and has been for some time. They must be doing something right.

(SPS) Validator Node Overview

You can read their latest post in full here, (SPS) Validator Node Overview & License Presale, but in summary.

The SPS validator node software is currently in the internal testing phase, with the "mainnet" planned to launch in Q4 of 2022. The SPS validator software will be 100% open source and available for anyone to download and run without any costs or restrictions.

  • It will run on a Dpos system.
  • Node licenses will be sold for SPS and Vouchers.
  • 80% of price will be burned, 20% goes to incentives.
  • Licenses will be nft's that transferable.
  • 3,750,000 SPS tokens per month allocated to a reward pool for SPS Validator Node operators.
  • There will be 60,000 licenses available in total

This is the pricing system for them.

Overall this system lays out a path for nearly a billion dollars worth of SPS and VOUCHERs to be burned over a number of years, which is many times the entire current market cap of the token!

Talk about, price goes up!!

We don't know for sure how much or how fast that this will effect the markets but SPS has gotten a nice 25% pump off the back of this news and Vouchers about 80%. When land drop later in the year and we see that soak up even more of the supply around the same time that the airdrop finishes up then it should have SPS sitting in a much better position.

It's all about long term vision and believing in the project. Otherwise just sell and take the free money.

Try for yourself.

If you haven't played the game before then now is the best time to join. Today is much better than tomorrow and a lot better than later.

Cards worth a few cents now will have a much higher value in the future as the print runs out. We have a strong community and seen this happen every time as it grows with the game.

Link to the game here,


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