
Juxtaposing Crypto carbon emission and Fossil Fuel carbon emissions!

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Recently i have been reading about carbon footprints in relative to cryptocurrency transactions, these claims still seems sketchy but the scientific explanation is simple: carbon oxide are released into the atmosphere massively in crypto mining rigs, there's a huge heat generation too. Furthermore, whenever you receive or send a crypto, there's also carbon emissions into the atmosphere somehow and somewhere as well anywhere there is a crypto mining rig. That is, the particular coin you send or receive is been mined in different farming pools hence these claims seems valid. Whether close by or far away, the repercussions will be of greater magnitude later on over the Years.

Quite interestingly, this is not a subject of much discussion yet. The power consumed and heat dissipated during crypto mining is far much talked about. In fact people have been charged to court over mining and energy use cases, be that as it may: carbon emissions is far much scarier than energy use considering climate change crisis around the world.

The question is, should we ditch cryptocurrencies over massive carbon footprints?

Perhaps, its a necessary evil we all must live with right? If you follow my explanations below.

My guess is, considering the redistribution of wealth and the disruption of financial oligarchy of the world, this isn't a debate of any sort. If you are reading this, it means you a crypto user and you have chosen a side.

We can all agree that the carbon emissions from fossil fuels, gas flaring sponsored by global financial corporations have damaged the earth atmosphere for decades and still counting. Yet, wealth is not evenly distributed and just a few portion of the world population enjoys the spoils, while the whole world pays for the climate imbalances ensuing.

Perhaps, the pollution from combustion engines, turbines, automobile and so on. Though they make our lives easy but it comes with greater price tags.

A few, or even tonnes of carbon released from minings, hashes and transactions is nothing compared to the green house effect of crude oil. So far more people are benefiting and getting out of poverty with crypto, its a just cause. Because not so many, i'd elaborate that: thousands are dying from atmospheric poisoning and millions do not have access to electricity produced by these fossil fuels that kept polluting the environment.

All in all, you would agree with me that the carbon emissions from crypto mining rigs is less significant, yet many benefits from crypto worldwide. While the pollution from crude oil and its derivatives is gargantuan, yet the percentage of people benefiting from it totally is incomparable to crypto users that have been freed from financial constraints. I believe there is no love lost with crypto carbon footprints!

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