
Is Money Really Not Everything?

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3 min read

I had a conversation with a dear friend the other day and we debated the popular saying that money is not everything!

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While my friend stood on the fact that money is not everything and I totally agree with him, I decided to play devil’s advocate and throw in alternative perspectives to our conversation.

Argument 1: He stated that money cannot replace real-life experiences and while I get that, I believe a person with money has the option to have more life-changing and mind-blowing experiences or adventures. A person with money can create the kind of experience they want. For instance, skydiving from a flying airplane, sailing across a famous bridge on a yacht, etc.

**Argument 2: He highlights the fact that money can’t replace relationships which I totally agree with but a diverse opinion to this is that money can aid a person to have quality relationships*. In the sense that, with more money, a person has access to a network of high net worth individuals across diverse industries. A person with money would find it easier or have more opportunities to make quality relationships with a certain caliber of people as he/she has access to places where these people are found.

**Argument 3: He brings up the argument that money cannot make a person smarter. While this is true to a certain degree, I know money can give a person access to the smartest people in the world and the best quality of education in existence*. Money affords people the ability to pay for the services of the smartest people in any field.

**Argument 4: Another view of his was that money cannot raise the dead and while this is true, I argued that money could improve the length and quality of one’s life*. When a person has money, they also have access to better health care, healthy food options, physical fitness options (gyms and personal trainers), and a healthier lifestyle due to the availability of financial resources.

Argument 5: He proceeds to say, money cannot increase the number of hours a person has in a day and I interjected by stating that money can create or free up more time for a person. How? A person can pay for services instead of spending their time doing it. For example, instead of cooking for hours, a person can pay a cook to handle that for them which frees up more time for them to be productive with other things that they prefer to spend time doing. We argued a bit more on other things money can and cannot afford a person and while he raised a lot of solid arguments, I believe the available resources a person has can afford them access to more options and opportunities in life.

Just knowing that you have that level of access to more options and opportunities is very satisfying and mind-blowing for a lot of people. You can almost do anything.

I left out other things that money can and cannot do so that you can contribute.

Kindly tell me what other things do you believe money can and cannot do?

*Thank you for your precious time! Contact and Support: Instagram: @pearlquasar_ Discord: peaq#5727 Telegram: Pea_q

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