
Happy money: Do what you adore and you'll by no means must work

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3 min read

Much of the beliefs that are installed in us about money, as in many other issues, begin to permeate from childhood through our parents and social environment.

What we hear at home about money, whether it is good or bad, whether it makes us better or worse people, whether we are rich or poor, is associated in our minds and permeates our emotional baggage.


Later on, all these beliefs will influence our relationship with money. Currently we no longer escape that what we believe, we believe. In the same way, a healthy relationship with money opens us up to a healthy perspective of wealth and abundance. Much could be said on this subject, but I propose to focus on two basic ideas.

Happy money

Little by little the idea of happy money is becoming more and more pervasive, associated with scenarios of abundance and wealth versus concepts of scarcity and poverty. What does this concept mean?

If we understand money as an independent and autonomous entity with a life of its own and we attribute an emotional charge to it, we give it great power over us, our life and our relationships.

We know, without any doubt and it is important that this is very clear to us, that money is something neutral, not a living being, it is an instrument and a human creation of exchange between people. It has nothing to do with what each one thinks of it.

If I pay a fine, I invest in learning. If I pay for my house, I invest in equity, etc. And I never, never pay for something with hatred, resentment, anger, contempt, or any other negative emotion.

For example: if I lose my weekly allowance in an oversight, I will associate it with “investing in learning to be more careful going forward” . I will not be amused, I will even be angry, but when doing this exercise, we will observe that the feeling of “learning to be more careful from now on and that way no more will happen to me” takes away part of our anger. We can also think that someone with a need will find it and thus we invest in improving their well-being, etc. It is about changing the concept of investment payments, reducing and improving the emotional charge.

Of course, if I invest in leisure, in projects that excite me, in my family, in my hobbies, in my friends, in traveling, etc. It is understood that the feeling is always positive, although there are people whose greed and stinginess always leads them to feel disgust at any disbursement, even, and sometimes, especially, when they invest in themselves, but this is practically dysfunctional behavior outside the topic from today.

On the other hand, the money that I receive for my professional activity or the allowance that my parents or the rest of my family give me at home, also has for me the same halo of happy money, money deserved, grateful, well received, money given lovingly, to invest in lots of things always nice.

I think it is time to take the sanbenito from money, a form of energy for me, and become responsible and aware of the use that each of us make of it.

Work or work (By obligation, for enjoyment)

The second concept is a simple word game made up with deep meaning to me.

It is about the perspective from which I carry out my professional activity, I also include the tasks that our children and young people can carry out in the family environment for which they receive some monetary reward. From work or from treatment, that is, from obligation, necessity and imposition or from enjoyment, creativity and delight.

From a low vibration or from a high vibration. From directed knowledge or from innate gifts and talent.

This does not mean that I do not make an effort, that I am not persevering or that I do not have involvement, just the opposite, if my activity derives from the gifts, I do not work, I just work and I transmute what I do because the origin is everything And it radically changes the focus and the energy I put into it.

Finding out what children's gifts are involves both parents and educators and serves as a recommendation for young and old. Let's stop seeing them as hobbies or dreams by placing them within his / our lives at the center of his / our professional or work activity.

Let's stop blocking them, labeling them and ignoring them with the limitations of the mind and proposing to our children conventional careers if they do not adopt and recognize them as theirs. Each of us knows with certainty what it does really well and as adults we can even forget it if we do not promote it throughout our lives.

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