
avatar of @randumb
2 min read

KEY: leobridge:🌉 cub kingdoms:🏰 cub defi:🦁 1:34 what hangs the up bleo to leo bridge transactions?/BSC NODES🌉
3:35 the developments & challenges of DEFI (why bridge came out 1st, why kingdoms we delayed)🏰🌉 4:29 why kingdoms changed, how they will work now?🏰 5:47 Den updates to come🦁

6:02 farm / kingdom conversion updates later to come🦁🏰 6:26 how will kingdoms work & what if you want to take profit?🏰 8:38 short term defi development vs long term defi developments 12:28 Cub per block/inflation/APR🦁 15:45 road map/kingdom updates/new cub staking🏰

17:02 how new cub staking/ellipsis would work?🦁 20:12 growing & funneling new CUB users🦁 22:20 creating more buzz for CUB & how others did it🦁 22:55 new UI update pros/cons/whys

27:40 looking at leobridge/ best time to use the bridge/why use USDC🦁🌉 35:20 what took bridges so long to develop🌉 37:00 fixing bridge failed transactions/ bridge caps🌉 40:20 bridge road map/phases cub/bleo/leo/hive🌉

42:57 how long will the bull pull last?/ 2017 comparison 47:32 todays “tomorrow” mentality/how you should view your portfolio/protecting wallet vs going wealth 57:00 possible BNB “gas back” option on leobridge🌉 58:38 growing vs protecting your portfolio pt.2 (options/stablecoin/debt talk) 1:03:39 if kingdoms are going to venus are we getting VAI (binance fork of DAI) on CUB defi?🏰

1:04:30 why the contracts for kingdoms were rewritten so many times?🏰 1:06:20 where’s the bottom of CUB? & how can we get new/more users to hold CUB?🦁 1:08:40 brave ads/press releases & marketing approach 1:10:31 low patience vs just getting started/ $90,000 weak hands🦁

1:12:46 nonfinancial advice on why you should move from the LP to the Den🦁 1:14:40 BNB/ETH speculation/price guessing & BTC dominance vs alt coin season 1:16:45 ETH= new internet BTC= gold 2.0 1:19:20 CUB roadmap review and updates to come, Q3, Leofi leasing🦁 1:22:00 ETH= new internet BTC= gold 2.0 pt.2

1:25:42 advocation for USDC as a stable coin 1:30:35 investing: nothing has to happen & anything can happen/ when do i go heavy into stable coins? 1:32:32 bull run hopes & looking at higher time frames 1:38:27 why more coins aren’t included on the leobridge/coin cap/custom tokens?🌉 1:41:35 @khaleelkazi cub game plan/why he’s excited about double rewards with kingdoms🦁🏰

1:42:54 are kingdoms going to have the same rewards as the dens do now?🦁🏰 1:44:42 which pool/den is everyone in? (cub/busd best move for max yield?)🦁 1:47:01 shorting/leverage/futures trading 1:47:31 irresponsibly long on crypto

1:49:22 with rune…can you go from native BTC to ERC20 then to BSC smart chain?/adding rune support to leo bridge🌉 1:53:03 raising the leobridge cap (and how it helps cub price goes up)🦁🌉 1:54:30 wleo/eth pool vs bleo/bnb pool rewards🦁 1:57:40 when leobrige $20k cap & when marketing start?🌉 2:02:00 elon confirms doge skit on snl 2:03:57 are there going to stable coin kingdoms?🏰

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