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2 min read

Cryptocurrencies have taken over some parts of the economy as they are going wild and becoming more popular everyday, they have changed the way transactions are made in our everyday lives with some noteable advantages like the reduction in transaction fees, private ownership of wealth without interference(banks) and easy payment of fees. Although cryptocurrencies have become part of the economy, they have not yet been structured to fitin all parts of the economy. Apart of the economy cryptocurrencies have not yet influenced is the educational sector(SCHOOLS IN PARTICULAR). If cryptocurrency influences school activities, they will be a very big change which are both positive and negative. One of the positive effect is the payment of school fees with crypto; if this happens, they would be an ease in transaction/payment of school fees I.E parents can easily pay from home without having to go to the bank and also parents wouldnt have to carry the cash around which is not save because it could be stolen. Another importance of blockchain in schools is the transactions in form of buying and selling ; like buying of reading materials and selling of reading materials from the school because parents wont have to worry that the money got stolen all because of its virtual features. Crypto currencies could also be rewarded as incentives to the students with high grades, thereby encouraging them to study harder in order to make more crypto. Although they are many advantages with blockchain in schools , less not forget the disadvantages which could lead to a massive disaster. The main disadvantage with blockchain in schools is that if the academic crypto wallet password gets stolen or seen by anyone/hackers, then that means all the crypto could get stolen. Another disadvantage with the concept is that it will facilitate fraud by both teachers , students and parents (students can even buy and sell drugs without holding any physical cash, parents could easily bribe teachers without suspicions and teachers could easily defraud student by selling unauthorized materials to them ). The concept of "blockchain in schools" is a good one but in my opinion, i think it is far from actualization until new ways to tackle the disadvantages a re introduced.


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