
Monetizing Your Resources(Especially Your Failures)

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3 min read

Personally speaking, I am the kind of guy that will always think of how to monetise their resources either good or bad, these is my own coping mechanism in any bad situation. This has helped me adapt through life and sometimes it kind of makes you look like an over achiever. Both then, things need to be done moderately in order to have a world of balance. We have a lot of resources around you, some of us just dont recognise it yet, some of us do recognise it but we need patience and that patience could be the time you needed to learn how to navigate your ways around failure and learn how to monetise them.
source Have you ever encountered a disabled person who is monetising their disability, it could be through comedy, acting or content creating, as long as they are making money through their disability, can we say they are monetising their failure? Can we call their disability their failure? Well, that will sound offensive but it all depends them. I always think they are brave and should be applauded and celebrated, now coming from a completely abled individual, what. Is stopping them from monetising their failures? At this point it should be their mindset, that is what is stopping them from monetising their failures. The mind is a very strong tool, it can make you or break you, it can be your greatest motivator and also your biggest failure, you just have to learn to control it.

You need your mind to help you monetise your failure, because your failure can also be among your resources, you just have to learn to pitch it and use it. Have you seen people who wrote a book about their failures and sold it? That is just one of the examples, you have the internet, you have social media, you can use those medium as another way to monetise your resources also. I came across this girl on YouTube, who is a YouTube and a content creator, she motivated me a lot, her youtube content motivated me so much and built my creativity. Her content was based on her failures, and I was watching this YouTube during the time I was at my lowest point in life. She always posted only on Saturdays and I made sure I never missed any of her contents on Saturdays. Her YouTube contents were so relatable, it felt like this was the first person I am seeing creating original contents on YouTube. The content was how life was tough for her as a youth in her 20s and how she has made mistakes in life trying to figure this thing called life. In less than 2 years she was able to grow 200k followers, organically, and I am so proud of her because I watcher her grow, I watched her journey. This helped me navigate through life, few months ago she did a sponsored video for Rihanna’s fenty brand.

Look at how she has monetised her resources especially her failures, she had the internet, she had her story(failures) and she disciplined her mindset, now she is good, I can’t say she is rich but at least she is not as broke as she used to be before starting the YouTube channel. I hope this motivates you today.

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