
FARM token replaces BAT for tipping on PublishOX

avatar of @revise.leo
1 min read

Heads up if you cross post to PublishOX - you have until early February to withdraw your BAT or it will be exchanged for FARM tokens.

This is the article making the announcement here.

I don't know about you but BAT was the main coin I was interested in earning on PublishOX, so I'll be seeing if i can get my tiny amount of BAT earnings out before the end of Jan - fingers crossed I can just send them to my Brave Browser wallet and avoid huge fees.

This is one of the downsides of PublishOX - they keep chopping and changing their tokens around - AMPL Loopring, I couldn't care less about either of them, and now FARM which is just another DEFI yield farming token - oh YAWN!

Still, it's easy enough to cut and paste the odd thing over, and who knows, after a couple of years I might even have accumulated enough ETH to withdraw $20 worth after gas fees.

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