
CRYPT BEETLE NFT Card Review | Focus Chest | Splinterlands

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CRYPT BEETLE with the Shield Ability is one of the Monsters that can be quite effective in some battles. Crypt Beetle can make excellent defense especially against 1 Melee or Ranged Attacks and neutralize the attacks of these Monsters. Although having low health seems to be a disadvantage, Crypt Beetle can be very effective in battles when used with a good strategy. It also costs 3 mana. I usually strategize according to the rules of the battle and the opponent, and I usually use the Crypt Beetle in the last position or the first position. I prefer it more especially in low mana battles.

CRYPT BEETLE has the Shield Ability at level 1. Monsters with the Shield Ability reduced damage from Melee and Ranged attacks. Crypt Beetle is a Common Monster that can be very effective in low mana battles and against low Melee and Ranged Attacks. Crypt Beetle only costs 3 mana and is found in the Death Unit.

A COMMON NFT Card, the CRYPT BEETLE NFT Card is currently starting at $0.026 on the market. The Gold Foil CRYPT BEETLE NFT card is currently starting at $0.47 on the market. Frankly, I see that the Gold Foil one is pretty cheap, so I'm planning to buy the Gold one. In addition, it is possible to rent the Regular one for about 0.10 DEC and the Gold one for about 0.38 DEC per day. Dark Energy Crystal (DEC) is currently trading at $0.00073.

Battle Link

Battle Ruleset
Super Sneak
Mana Cap 15

Super Sneak rule means all Melee attack Monsters have the Sneak ability.

Equalizer rule means the initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health.

The rules of the battle were very suitable for me to choose CRYPT BEETLE in this battle. Especially because of the Super Sneak rule in the battle rule, I put the Crypt Beetle in the last position in this battle. I thought Crypt Beetle could both attack and defend well from the last position. Indeed, my strategy worked quite well and my team won the battle quite easily. Honestly, in this battle, their team would have been more effective if the opposing player had put CURSED WINDEKU with Thorn Ability in the last position. Frankly, I was expecting CURSED WINDEKU to be in the last position. But that wouldn't change the outcome of the battle. Because I guessed that and added SPIRIT HOARDER to my team. I recommend you to watch this great battle link

Summoner and Monsters on My Team


What are your thoughts on the battle in video and CRYPT BEETLE? I would be glad if you write your thoughts in the comments.

Battle Link

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