
Try salmon mining

avatar of @sherlly3
2 min read

In order to capture the concept of DeFi, a small amount of Tron is injected into salmonswap and tested.

When I try to start DeFi, I feel cautious about making investment decisions in the ongoing bear market.

However, if you think about it again, the current bearish market may eventually be an opportunity to purchase the core coins of DeFi, such as Tron, EOS, and Ether, at a lower cost. I think I can use it as an opportunity

The concept of salmonswap was difficult to understand at first, but in summary the method is as follows.

The salmonswap homepage has 3 menus

The point is that if you pair a tron ​​with one of the three salmon, pearl, and squid (you need an additional tron ​​for the same amount) and stake it, you will get a salmon.

To do this, you need to purchase one of salmon, pearl, or squid to begin. Of these, salmon is a part that is only obtained by mining, and pearl and squid must be purchased with Tron.

So yesterday I swapped the squid with Tron and paired it with Tron to finish staking and start salmon mining, but I checked in the morning and found 0.03 salmon.

And for today's review, Jinju also completed staking.

Currently 0.0001 salmon have been mined

If you harvest the mined salmon and then mine the salmon again in the first menu, would it be the effect of compound interest? It was a very simple structure that proceeded in this way.

In the end, it seems that the important part is how much the salmon is listed on the exchange and the price is formed, but this part should be checked additionally.

It seems that most of the DeFi farming is done this way.

Many people have given detailed explanations on how to use salmonswap, so further explanations are omitted.

A lot of people, including me, find it difficult to do DeFi, but it seems that it helps a lot in accumulating knowledge to try it once rather than listen to it a hundred times.

Now, we are going to experience the process of completing the harvest and converting back to Tron.

Have a nice holiday and study a lot of DeFi^^

Posted Using LeoFinance