
avatar of @shortsegments
1 min read

I agree that marketing is a big concern, it looks lke the big things are abiut to happen. I have my fingers crossed that the PRs will come, and the listings are coming very fast.So I think the PR articles and hits on google search should come to...

You have given me an idea; I know searching for articles on a topic on google will help the topic rank, and if we all search and click on one article it should push it up the google rankings...There ought to be a way to design a bot to do this. I just need to figure out if it's sensitive to IP addresses and if a VPN can be used to mask or change one's IP address to circuvent any count limitation for searches from a single IP. If ten people did ten searches for the same topic just changing their city country ten times and this changing their IP it would add 1000 searches for polycub to google in maybe ten minutes. I will ask in discord if anyone knows a bot maker who can do this... Or there could be a contest with screen shots of efforts with 100 LEo prize. Just some ideas

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