
I Want To Know......Please Read And Respond

avatar of @silverd510
2 min read

Morning everyone.....

I was going to do this as a series of posts, but decided to make it just one instead.

So obviously from the title you gather....

But what exactly do I want to know????

While I’m not an old fart, I’m no spring chicken either. I’ve been through high inflation, market crashes, housing crashes, gas shortages, you name it I’ve been through it.

All except for a depression

I have read up plenty about “The Great Depression”, and have spoke to family members that had personally gone through it. I even did a college paper on it.


  1. Do you truthfully think we are headed into another “Great Depression”?

If so, why? If not, why not?

  1. What asset do you think will have the biggest benefit of getting you through the “Great Depression”?

If crypto, why?

If precious metals, why?

If something else, state what it is and why?

  1. What asset to you feel will be the most beneficial to hold for long term gains and wealth?

It can be more than one asset.

Which asset(s), why?

Obviously, I already have my own opinion on this topic. Since I’m posting it out and looking to see where not only I am compared to others, but to see IV there are people who have the same thoughts as I do.

One thing that I will say is that as a country we have evolved enormously since 1933 which is the year the “Great Depression” ended. While the one obvious thing that must happen for a “Great Depression” is the stock market must collapse. Meaning a drop of 10% or greater in one day.

I am also aware that there are safety measures in place now that could prevent this initially from happening. Meaning they can close the exchange. Once it opens again the market will dump even bigger.

Here is my last question of this post.

  1. What do you think will crash first?

The Dollar or the Stock Market and why?

I really hope to hear from many people on this, if you think this is a quality topic please reblog it.

Thank you

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