
SPInvest: A Model To Expand Its VC Activities

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3 min read

In the past we discussed the idea of @spinvest as a venture capital fund of sorts to assist others in starting projects that could have benefit to Hive.

The first initiative under this scenario was the M4L tribe. SPInvest along with @brofund took a position in that tribe in return for helping with the start up costs.

Now, let's look at another area that we can focus.

The opinions expressed here are my own and do not reflect any official stance of SPInvest. This is merely written to open up discussed and as a thought exercise.

Sports is obviously something that is very popular all over the world. Fanbases run into the billions of people so we are dealing with a large target market.

There is, however, another factor that is vital to consider. Fans are very passionate about their teams. Thus, not only are we dealing with a larger market but there is a section of it that is completely rabid. Here is an opportunity I see for both Hive and SPIvest.

To penetrate this, I feel, we have to look to the niche. Many of the tribes, thus far, are rather general in concept. This is find since it opens the door to more users. Nevertheless, while we want growth, this might not be the best way.

Therefore, I propose another method. We go specific. Here is where SPInvest could help out.

Most fans are not really passionate about sports as much as they are their specific teams. Hence, we should cater to this by assisting in the creation of team based communities.

While the target numbers, overall, are smaller, we are seeking passion and excitement. Every team has a portion of its customer base that falls into that category.

Let us see how this vision can play out.

On Hive, we have roughly 10K-15K daily accounts transacting. Certainly, not all of them are posting and engaging. Thus, the number is lower.

Leofinance, which is one of the more popular tribes, according to stats had roughly 1,000 people post from its front end last month. Again, we see how small this number really is yet the price of the token went crazy the second half of last year. Even with 1,000 monthly users, it is a multi-million dollar projects. Granted, there is more to it than just but I think the point is clear.

If we can get tribes with just 1,000 active users, even on a monthly basis, we could see tokenized communities worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Maybe they do not reach the level of Leofinance but even 10% of that financial success will add up.

Of course, this is one particular team. The key is to rinse and repeat. What if we had 5 communities, each representing different teams that followed a similar path. Is it unrealistic for each of them to get a few hundred passionate fans who want to talk about their favorite team on a regular basis?

Fans sites are becoming very popular. We are in the age of social media. One of the advantages to Hive is we are watching the development of social media applications. This will only enhance the ability for communities to expand what they are offering.

The best part of this is that it is easy to market. SPInvest could head up this initiative of starting a community or two like this. From there, the SPInvest could assist in the marketing of this community. This would simply entail heading to other social media and talking about what is being offered.

We already know the target markets exist, it is just a matter of accessing them. Of course, the community on Hive has to be established by someone who is a passionate fan to begin with. This person will likely know others who are in the same boat.

This would mean a foundation for the community starts.

To me, the possibilities really can start to expand. My belief is that if one starts to take off, others will follow. It is really a matter of having a proof of concept in place that provides the model.

Is this realistic?

This is what we need to discuss and banter some ideas about. Each community can tokenize which means that tremendous wealth can be generated for the fanbase of the team. Also, with NFTs started to get a great deal of attention, they can be tied in as fans get photos of their favorite players or start to record their own content.

Here is where we see innovation really start to open up.

What are your thoughts on this?

Article written by @taskmaster4450.

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