
Itchy Trigger Finger

avatar of @tarazkp
3 min read

In about 3 hours from now, the Waka Spiritblade card goes on sale and I really want one. I am getting ready to be disappointed, but as I said the other day, I am going to keep the vouchers I bought anyway, just in case there are some other similar opportunities upcoming. What I am worried about the most with this, is having some kind of technical issue where I miss out because my keyboard disconnects from the bluetooth, or my mouse doesn't work. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen and you know...

Murphy's Law.

Do you like my trigger?

I don't own a gun, so have to make do with some household cleaner for the picture.

Any port in a storm.

Obviously, there are a lot more important things going on in the world today than the price of crypto, but these things are connected. It is interesting to see how connected it is going to be though and while there is a lot of volatility, this means there is also a lot of opportunity.

One of my friends who bought some 50K Bitcoin last year, sent a message saying he wish he had sold when he was 800 up. I am down by that much, though I didn't mention that it is closer to 1000x more. It is all relative across time though and I am not panicking yet. In fact, I am starting to have a look at what fiat resources I can use to start buying with, because while I think the conflict is going to cause some dips, that bottom has the opportunity to rush up very fast into new ATHs for massive gains.

This is not just on BTC of course, this is on all alts too and some of them are going to perform very well on the other side of the reverse spike. Ups are great, as long as you own enough you are willing to sell, but if not, the downs are needed to collect enough for the ups.

A lot of people want to see the highs because it makes them feel good, not because they are actually going to benefit that much from it. For example, what my friend is down ism probably around one day's worth of salary, and if he loses everything he put in, it is probably two days salary - is there really a huge risk there? Not for him, but he feels the pain and feels like an idiot, but he would drop the same amount on a TV without batting an eyelid. It is funny how we treat value differently, depending on the form it is currently in.

Money is a resource, but it is a resource that is generated from other resources. This means that for example, a person sells their service (like my friend in their work) converting their time and skill into another form, that then allows them to spend their "time and skill" on other items, like the TV or some Bitcoin. This is why time is money but that doesn't mean that all time is used to generate money, as most of the time, we waste our time.

While my friend feels a bit shit today, a year from now he might feel like the king of the world after he has doubled his value. However, if he really wanted to take advantage, he would likely be looking to do what I am doing - double down. As far as I am concerned, if I bought Bitcoin at 50K expecting it to go to 100, nothing has changed even though it is at 35K now. All that it means is that I can cost average my next buy so that instead of an average of 50K, I might drop it to 40K, so that when it does move to 100, I have a 2.5x multiplier, instead of 2x.

But, pulling that trigger is hard in the downturns, because we feel the pain of loss and we don't want to lose more - so become gun shy. However, if we still see that future of the much higher price, we are actually not expecting to lose, long-term.

The funny thing is that the lower something like BTC goes, the more one gets and, the less likely it will lose more. buying at 100 makes it likely that it will drop 70% to 30K. Buying at 50K makes it likely it will drop 50% to 25K. Buying at 30 makes it likely it might drop to what? There is a floor there, so the lower it falls, the closer that resistance line gets.

Who's ready to pull the trigger?

Well, at least on this card, I hope that I am fast enough on the clicks!!

Taraz [ Gen1: Hive ]

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