
Stakes and Grindstones

avatar of @tarazkp
4 min read

Is it really only halfway through Monday?? It feels like the weekend was forever ago!

It looks like my week has been thrown into some disarray, as my supervisor called today and informed she has Covid - which under normal circumstances isn't much of a problem. However. next week we have a joint delivery for an internal Sales kickoff and she was meant to be delivering half of it. She was in the US (where she caught Corona) last week and delivered with my colleague there for the North American event and said it was pretty intense and - there were only half as many people... Not sure how I am meant to deliver it alone.

But, I will get to this at the end of the week.

Also today, I have had to go into my internet provider and complain about my unstable connection and, the digibox not working. Yeah, "first-world problems" I know - but it has been an ongoing saga for about a year and a half now and the digibox issue became more pressing, since the Ice Hockey World Championships are on in our home town and my wife wants to watch.

Basic life woes.

But, I am a bit disappointed in myself over the last few days, as I failed to be as bold as I had planned in buying the dip - it is not that I didn't buy anything, but I feel I should have taken a bigger slice. However, this is crypto and I might get a second bite at the cherry in the coming week, but I don't expect the dip to be quite as aggressive as last week's.

What I did buy however was more SPS and while I didn't get the bottom, I am pretty happy with the just under 7 cent average I did get. I picked up another 30K and staked them in-game for the 24% current earnings. There are only 72 days left in the airdrop and with 760 million SPS already emitted, it has crossed the 25% of the total amount and soon, other mechanisms like burning from the purchase of validation nodes starts to kick in.

It is going to see if people will use what they already hold or, will buy SPS on the market to cover the costs the SPS portion of the buy. It requires Vouchers also and I don't have enough of those for the first round at least. However, I might have enough for the second tranche, using the vouchers as a discount that will see the price in SPS at 1500 worth - increasing

Still, the Splinterlands economics are going to get even more complicated to follow and there are so many pathways that can be taken, it is impossible to take them all adequately. Something has to give, at least for me who is doing all of this on the side of my work and family life. It is a fulltime job at least.

I was thinking about this in regard to trading again, where in all likelihood, I would be financially better off quitting all or at least part of my work and spending far more of my time on the exchanges. The problem with this is, I don't think my heart or head could take it day in and day out, especially since it ends up being quite lonely business, not to mention the risk of making errors. A couple bad days trading and things are not looking very rosy and in the bear, the volumes would have to increase in order to make the trades worth enough to live off.

A couple bad days at work however, and it isn't the end of the world and there is plenty of room for social mitigation - trading offers no such relief. However, taking this "hybrid" approach to work and investment has been valuable in so many ways, as it feels like one feeds into the other travelling both ways and, each gives perspective on the other, compounding the personal value of both.

Of course, ultimately I don't want to be working quite so much at all of this and will eventually trim some of it back, but that is what the work is for now, right? I have no idea what is going to happen in this world long-term, but I do feel that I have a pretty good understanding of where I will be in it if I don't do any of this now. I already see the pressure build for some of my friends, as they realize how unprepared they are and how close retirement really is. I am in the same position, maybe even a little worse, but I do have other irons in the fire and SPS, HIVE and various other tokens burning at the stake.

In three or four years, things will be quite different again, but for now, it is back to the grindstone.

Taraz [ Gen1: Hive ]

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