
Your X-Factor Is Your Finance Solution.

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3 min read

Your current state might encourage you to build your X factor or to ignore it. You might currently work in a very comfortable environment and receive a decent salary. This might seem like stability, but you will later feel less fulfilled if you are not using your X factor. No matter how versatile you are, you have strengths and weaknesses. You may have the power of Midas, where everything you touch turns to gold, but the effectiveness of the application of your energy on things differs. 

Your X factor can be about your natural born skill, a side business that can give you more, or becoming a sportsperson. I have tried many things until I realized my genuine passion. 

Use your energy to build your X-Factor when young.

During my last year at the university, I had a chat with some of my mates on how we will move on after University. Most of them were mentioning one key point “A high paid Job.” Getting a Job is a good idea to start with life. You need experiences to build your life and you may need a Job for survival at first. I worked for over 2 years and 6 months in a company that I knew I would get nothing out of, but I had to for survival and to create an escape route. It is all about learning during the 20s and earning in the 30s and above.

Spot your future pains

After many years of working off your X factor and earning the salary you called big, your energy and enthusiasm for the job will dwindle. And doing the same thing day in and out for years becomes boring. You will start complaining about everything about your job, the salary will not matter again and you may be miserable. Another issue with this is when you are on the wrong job and your savings are underfunded, you will have to stay longer for survival. 

Building your X Factor

Currently, I am working and building my X-Factor. It is my passion and something I can even do for free. A few years ago, I had some random time of critical thinking. It was all about my life so that I can be happy in my work environment either as a staff or as a business owner. I came up with building my skill and working in the line. So, the first key is to THINK. Set time aside to think and bring out the creative part of you. 

There are things you might like to achieve that are far beyond your knowledge. Jumia is the biggest online market in Nigeria and it is owned by a woman without a tech knowledge. In part of her speech, she said, “I wanted to achieve something bigger, and I had no knowledge of building an online market. I employed the right people and listened to them.”

Yours might be different. You may have to spend money to buy a course, get into the right school or travel to a certain place. 

It will take time before you gain the light, so you need perseverance. You must keep working on every aspect where your success might come around your X factor. If you are a web developer, you might give online lectures in the language you know, as well as build web apps for your clients. This stays around the same circle and you will earn around it. 

Nothing stays the same forever. The Job you are currently doing might give you all you want in this life, but if it is not in your X factor, you will get burned out and everything will be boring. Staying in your X-factor keeps you happy no matter the circumstances. So, don’t wait until you are not happy with your job or anything you are currently doing before working on your X-factor. Create time for something you want once you finish with your daily Job. The X-factor is about creating a purpose for your life. Being financially stable is good, but feeling fulfilled and happy is another thing. 

Don’t wait until you are wretched before you dig your X-Factor. 

My name is @tykee (Balogun Michael), a software developer/content writer and the founder of Meshboc Limited. I use my content to share my opinions on tech, lifestyle, and finance.

Contacts Twitter Instagram Discord: tykee#8770

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