
Making the Project Blank Colourful Through the Help of Threads

avatar of @vickvan
2 min read

The project blank being the most talked about project right now in the lending community and beyond has drawn so much attention to itself because of what it carries and the fulfillment of purposes and dreams that it has been right from day one. The fulfilment of purpose and dream in the sense that its integration has helped a lot more quickly propagate the mission of leofinance, which is this. Outside of the fulfillment of purposes and dreams that it did for Leofinance, it also did so for her subscribers in that it has been their dream and desire to capture the main points of a long post into a short cut, which the initiation of this #thread has caused.

Threading On a Whole New Level

Do you know that threading has reached a whole new level with a different kind of vibe that has never been seen before? Oh, sorry, those outside of the recent happenings of leofinance and outside of threading won't understand because they haven't tested or threaded before. But anyways, I got your back. You can login to the new UI through this link, link your account, and then make your first thread. If you are confused about how to make it through, I've got your back and am willing to guide you through if you ask such a question in the comment section.

Threading is on a whole new level in that not just the usual kind of threads pertaining to crypto and finance are threaded, but you can thread literally anything. I was going through the thread scroll and I saw threads about food, pictures of pets, and their pictures. Oh, threading has got a whole new vibe that you wouldn't want to let go easily.

An example of this is the thread dropped by boss @onealfa on this link, oh i mean threading is on a whole new level, just look at the beautiful scene and shot he took. what more can i say about youtube links with videos explaining or showing stuffs that can be in a music form or more, example is the one shown by @matheasysolution through this link.

There's a lot more to discover on threads and far too many to enjoy; if you're not on it, you're definitely missing out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta