
LeoFinance is back to being the priority! Staking, mobile app, marketing...

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2 min read

Hi HODLers and Lions,

I was very pleased to see this post: Introducing the New LeoAds Mechanic | LEO POWER Balances Will Begin Growing with Built-In APY From LeoFinance Ad Revenue from @leofinance.

As written, this idea came from @jk6276 and I thank him for pushing it through as it is great!

The idea that Jk laid out was a great one: have the automated LeoAds system take the ad revenue each month (it's paid in BTC), buy LEO on one of the 4 exchanges it is listed - whichever has the cheapest arbitrage price (wLEO, bLEO, pLEO or LEO) - then stake it all as LEO POWER into the accounts of everyone already holding LEO POWER.

As per their calculation, it seems we could expect a c.4%APY+.

I was quite surprised to earn Leofinance ecosystem would get c.$4k in monthly Ads revenues, I would have expected much less. As Khal pointed out, this is even before the new focus on LeoFinance and the great work from the head of growth, etc...

I even think we are supposed to have some ads promoting Leofinance during the Bitcoin 2022 conference in Miami, this might bring some qualifies and crypto friendly users!

If we can onboard new users and increase traffic even more, this staking APY could even reach 10%+.

Finally, LeoMobile is where work needs to be done and it reminds me that I need to publish all the little things we could improve to make it even better and more user friendly. Stay tuned.

So let's get to work Lions and retain this new wave of users.

Stay safe out there,

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta