
-Real colors-

avatar of @whoisanna
1 min read

17:04-blue pencil, paper and a cup of tea.

As I started a new painting a thought appeared in my head: which are the colors of each other? If you would choose to express yourself using a that predominantly is in your daily mind and true-self.Sure we are quite complex and would be hard to find just one but I believe it must be a major one that the color you put on your canvas,admitting it to the world..Do you like that color? On my painting I used a complementary contrast in the second plan-red and blue-but the main chromatic is a warm one.
I did put some sequins to catch the light and dance in it. We tend to aspire for the best light and use our skills to catch it and remain in it as long as we can.. P.S: Do you believe in 21?

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