
Evaluating Goals - How It's Going So Far

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3 min read

It's only February and it feels like the year is far-gone already. I have serious anxiety about not reaching my goals for the year because it doesn't appear to be an amazing start for me relatively speaking.

So when exactly is the right time for evaluating your set goals? It's up to you really. You could do a monthly or quarterly check, think of it as a mental health check. You might have a long-term/yearly goal, but you have to run these checks in between to know your progress and to better understand how to reach these goals faster.

Let me begin with my hive goals. Well...this isn't doing so well and I can't exactly blame this on the bear market only because I haven't been active on hive for over a week. I could have been better but I just had to focus on other things and that meant lesser rewards on hive. At this rate, I'm not meeting my monthly rewards target on hive and leofinance.

This unintended break has taught me to prioritize hive amid other engagements. I felt really bad looking at my hive profile and every day of being absent felt like something was missing. Asides from the rewards part, being in this space is a form of therapy for me and I also get to learn a lot here.

Another goal for the year is budgeting/tracking expenses. I think I'm doing quite well keeping track despite slacking a little. I also adopted a minimalist no-buy month to span for six months and I've only flopped once.

I mentioned this is a year of learning and mastering skills and I started off quite well. I rounded up a course a few days ago and I'm delighted to be done with it. I was so happy and gingered that I wanted to immediately begin another course. Then, I took a step back to regroup and decided I was moving too fast.

I was in such a hurry that I forgot how draining the last days have been and how I couldn't juggle other activities, especially hive which is my main income source. I'm taking a learning break but it's not going to be for long.

The course facilitators encouraged us to begin our job search and I've been nervous about sending out applications. I feel like I'm not qualified enough from just a few weeks of learning and it's breeding a lot of self-doubts.

I know enough for a beginner, my CV looks good, LinkedIn keeps matching my profile to jobs, but still, I fear. My goal is to get a job this year and now that I've been able to buff up sellable skills that can land me jobs, I keep looking away when I see ads.

A confidence boost is highly needed and I hope to be bold enough to apply for and ace job interviews.

The financial part of my goals isn't doing well, but I get a good grade for not touching my savings or spending more than my budget so far. Overall, I'm not doing badly even when it initially seemed so, and I'm ready to improve on the areas where I'm lacking.

It indeed takes a process of experiences to get to one's goals, smooth or rough, they're all teachable experiences and these regular checks help in the overall strategy of achieving your goals.

Have you done a goal evaluation recently?

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