
Splinterlands Raffle Drawing; Less than 1 hr Left ... Move Your Tickets Ingame

avatar of @xabi
1 min read


Less than 1 hr is left in the biggest giveaway in history of splinterlands. With more than 100,000$ worth prizes, their are total 791,864 tickets distributed, to be drawn for total 52,211 prizes. This means that on average one in fifteen ticket will win a prize. The prizes include one Land Region Claim worth 15000$, 10 Land Tracts Claims worth 1,700$ and 1000 Land Plots Claims worth 20$ each. There will also be 10,000 Untamed packs and Azmare dice prizes along with 31,200 totems ranging from common to legendary.

I have 1,115 tickets and already moved them in game. I am pretty excited for the draw and hoping to get some amazing prizes. Currently Raffle Ticket prizes are sinking, going at 0.241$/ticket. So it is high time to get your hands on a few tickets, if you already haven't.


Remember to transfer all your raffle ticket in game from all third party exchanges/wallets before drawing. All unclaimed Unisawap Reward Raffle Tickets and those held in third party exchanges and at the time of drawing will be forfeited.

Best of luck to all for the drawing.
May the odds be in your favor!

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