
The "fee" on the BSC Network for players

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2 min read

Many users / players started in this network, in the BSC network, for those who do not know it

Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is the blockchain that runs parallel to Binance Chain. In this case BSC is geared towards smart contracts, allowing you to trade on decentralized applications on a permissionless platform.

¡Information taken from the web!

And much we did not understand of its operation, the miner at the height of its use by metamask could have been a good business. I remember that if a game did not generate more than enough money to pay the "fee" charged by the network, which always depended on the demand, the saturation of the network, it was catalogued as a "scam", whether or not it was a ponzi, which we can rarely think it is not, because that is how it is in all types of economy, not everyone can win. Also the "Scam" boom itself was in June 2021, with the beginning of PVU, people with knowledge in programming, token creation and advertising facilitators made possible many "scams" with brackets since in this world you put your money where you intend to meet, and it is something that is completely unknown, their intentions can be more harmful to you than you imagine. Now, the "fee" is naturally good for the ecosystem itself, which is decentralized, you always have to get something for it to continue to exist, because clearly no one and nothing lives on nothing itself. Just like that, with a game called "sunflower farmer" in the BSC network of Polygon, when the game received a lot of publicity and became recognized with the famous title of the Youtube videos with "I earn 200 dollars in 1 week with this NFT game" and more nonsense, which only generates a chain, desperately calling for new players or rather people who put money to recover what I put, and if the other loses bad there. What I was going to get off track, with this game "Sunflower Farmers" the fee reached such a high level that you could not play, since the game itself for every move you make in it you had to pay a "fee", which yes, it is low, but the new players were not allowed to move. After knowing the Hive Network, I knew that not everything was BSC, there are things so unknown by those who entered this world a short time ago, that makes it more fun, but also dangerous, getting to lose a lot of money by ignorance itself, money lost or even opportunities to get that money. Another example is the "fee" that will charge you in "cryptomines" game that I talk about in another post of the BSC, a "click to earn" per day 1 click, 1 transaction per person (if you had only 1 account). So this "Fee" on a large scale is a lot of money.

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