
How I earned more than $1000 in a year from 0.

avatar of @ykretz
3 min read

My crypto portfolio is now above $1000 and it took me a little more than 12 months.

A bunch of failures and successes are scattered along my journey and my first failure should have been my last, and it's even way more hurting today.

I already narrated that story so I'll now told you the shortened version.

It all started around 2014 when I was 15yo. I was already excited about crypto and was especially loving to get Bitcoins from Faucets. I wasn't even trying to get referrals so it was pretty slow. But adding that to some ponzy where I put some of my earnings I finally gathered around $20 in months even maybe more than a year.

With that little amount I managed to buy a Video game. Rocket League. I played 2 hours and gave up because none of my friends did buy the game and I didn't like playing with a keyboard.

Obviously, today the game, which still have new updates pretty regularly is now free on the epic game store.

The same BTC amount is worth $3600 now

Now, this year.

I just started with Publish0x and made really few earnings but started to learn, slowly about crypto and there I saw some posts about something that started to seem really interesting to me. That thing is called Steem. And after trying several times to create my free account withtout succeeding I gave up.

Then I learned the words Hard-Fork and everything about Steem and Justin Sun and I knew that Hive was the new place to be and used my reward from Publish0x to create my hive account (the price was $2 with @threespeak). Now that I'm posting less on this platform my earnings are not huge :

Since the end of March 2020 I'm in Hive and everything is going well, I don't have a huge audience but I'm still able to have some rewards. And everything of that is possible, maybe thanks to my work but mostly thanks to the community and a lot of active users !

Maybe one of the most rewarding thing after Hive itself for me have been to follow LeoFinance, Even if I dont have more than 45 Leo I still love everything it's happening here and the community.

Two Months ago I also Joined and earned more than $40 for... Really it's like twitter but, great, and rewarded. I also put the earnings on my Nexo account to get some interests from it.

I joined but while some people are earning huge amounts I'm not still here and that's maybe because I only made two posts pretty short.

Maybe the thing that Granted me the more money, around a year ago was Brave Browser when a lt of friends of mine wanted a new browser and I gave them my referral code. Getting $6.5 for each person in a month gave me around $70 and I transfered it to my other $70 of ETH and invested it to hive and that is my second bigger mistake. If I waited 6 months this $140 ETH (approx 0.5 ETH) would have been around $800 today. But hey, that's around my current Hive account value !!

Now, even if *Brave's referral program is over, the earnings from the ads seem to be bigger now and the price is going up since some time so holding it should be a good thing !

You may wonder, I said $1000 but Here I only show you 780, wher's the rest ?

I need to start simply with my Hive-Engine Tokens :

My sports curation account @ykretz.sports also have around $70 with more than 1M token staked :

I also have some assets on UpHold, most of time this is just holdings.

Now I'm managing to hold more tokens like HE-Index, LBI, UTOPIS, Bro and Dhedge.

Having 10 of the more expensive and 100 of the cheapest before the end of the end is one of my new goals.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta