
Cashless Society

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2 min read

Are we as a society nearing a point of using no cash? Just today I was at a store that accepted zero cash transactions. Now I won’t mention which one to protect the innocent. Let’s just say this retailer was pretty busy.

The sign was clear as day as I entered the store. NO CASH TRANSACTIONS ACCEPTED DUE TO COVID. Apparently the store caught the fear bug pun intended. I went about my purchase and used my debit card. This is something that I do anyways.

I rarely use cash anymore. Like checks it has become somewhat absent in my day to day transactions. Not to mention the average currency note is a cesspool of bacteria and unmentionables. So it is no surprise that some retailers are refusing to handle it.

What a shock on my part to see this happen. I never thought I would see the day where no cash was accepted. I guess 2020 has been the bizarre year of years.

So are we headed towards a cashless society? And is this truly a bad thing? I believe in the future that cash eventually will be phased out. This will occur not by Govt decree but rather lack of usage by the general public. Most use debit cards to transact and pay bills. Although cash still serves a purpose most would prefer the safety and convenience of a card.

Is it bad? Any power including the power to control money can have a nefarious purpose. Obviously there may be certain negative consequences pertaining to going fully cashless. Lack of privacy and the inability to remove value from the system are some of the fears that exist.

However, I think most don’t realize they are already participating in a cashless society. If you use a credit card or debit card you are technically exchanging virtual credits for goods and services. Not to mention if the State wants access to your finances it can find a way.(Monero anyone?)

Like it or not the financial system will change. I am however on the side of privacy and freedom. Luckily for us we have blockchain and privacy coins. When cash disappears the market will search for an alternative. These privacy coins will be the new cash. This ultimately will put a “check” on shady politicians and over aggressive officials.

A word to the wise this cashless trend may be coming to a city near you. Act accordingly and stay safe friends. :)

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