
LEO Finance - Lazy writing comes handy by writing more and thinking less

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2 min read

LEO Finance content creation is increasing from day to day and a lot of authors are coming into the space. Everything reveals out of our eyes and we walkthrough new posts and pick and choose the one that we want to read and learn about. Sometime we find useful information that we replicate and provide some new revenue streams, some other times simply we rezonate with the presented subject. But what we all have in common is that we digest crypto and financial information each and every day.

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We have different sources of inspiration for our posts, but sometimes we find ourselves in a blockage and feel that there isn't anything else that we can write about. And in this moments we are detaching from the LEO Finance platform and our mind starts running to other interests. And from there inspiration might come back or if it doesn't we can just lay down at our desks and start writing with less thinking. Some would say this is a lazy writing, but I consider one that is more creative than just following some news and circling around that.

Lazy writing is a creative way of writing without much thought and focusing more on writing itself and let the words float out. It helps anyone start the writing in an easier manner and provide content that is trapped within our minds. There are some tips that you can guide yourself when lazy write, but still bringing good content and being productive.

  1. Forget the grammar rules. Focus more on getting the thoughts and ideas out rather than correcting each type and reviewing your content over and over again.
  2. Keep it simple without adding excess words. The expression should be simple and straight to the subject without circling too much around it. Emphasize what is important and move on.
  3. Write when you have the calling for it, don't force it out. Sometimes you may lack of inspiration and you shouldn't worry about it. Do something different and your brain will connect the dots if an idea or subject for writing comes to mind.
  4. Let your thoughts and ideas fly free. You don't need to replicate what others are saying, try to bring your own vision on things and be original. This is the content most appreciated.
  5. Review it (or somebody else) on diagonally and get your publishing approval. The review should not be a long process, but make sure you are sending the right message by taking and overall look to your writings.

I know that lazy writing might sound lazy, but it is not about that. It is about the fact that sometimes you don't need to do research for hours or days and than lay your article. Sometimes from past experiences or new ideas you can start writing right away, let your mind express that and maybe bring something new into it. And this is also good with the writer's block that happens to us from time to time. I always try to bring something new and not always find my muse, thus lazy writing comes handy in such situations.

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