
This is why I prefer curating on Leo

avatar of @belemo
3 min read

If you've been following my blog, then you'll realise that I've been writing almost predominantly on Leo for the past couple of weeks. Posting on Leo gives me the added advantage of earning Leo tokens on top of Hive and HBD from posts. Owing to the Hive price Hike, my earnings on Leo have matched or even outweighed my earnings in HBD, but thanks to change in curation reward, I now earn a lot more.

My curation on Hive and Leo have been scattergun approach at best. Actually, I don't have a "curation approach" and simply just "like" whatever I like. Outside the few accounts that I autovote on Hive, and the Curation trails I follow, I generally earn peanuts through curation.


However, with the change in curation on Leo that has taken us back to the old days of earning 50% irrespective of when you vote, I feel a lot better about my "approach" or lack of it. The whole curation curve thingy that encourages content discovery and curation still works I guess, however, it is too technical for simple people that want to like stuff.

I'm pretty certain that there are more simple people around here than technical people that understand the mechanism of a curation curve. So, with the curation curve thingy out of the way, my 0.2 Leo vote will yield 0.1 per vote, and it will diminish as my VP goes down. I like the simplicity of this model and it will encourage everyday users to curate more.

Also, there's the added benefit of Leo price and the fewer number of tokens in supply with relation to hive that makes curating in Leo more rewarding.A simple comparison between my 4k Hive power to my 1700ish Leo power gives you an idea about the curation opportunity that Leo holds.

There are slightly over 5milion Leo tokens in existence, so your 1700 Leo power((0.00034 of total supply) translates to roughly 107k if you multiply that fraction by the 317million Hive in supply. This is of course just a guesstimate, but it sort of gives you an idea about the benefit of curating on Leo.

Iron Sharpeneth Iron

The Leo party is in full swing and it will run up to $1 right in front of your eyes. I'm going to accumulate like 700 Leo on standby and then power up everything else. If the price really does run up, I'll sell a small amount of my leo to fund my Dolphinization on Hive,

I mean, it is only fair, since I sold some of my Hive to buy this Leo, this will be like Leo returning the favour. I'm currently at 4100 HP range, so I just need another 1100Hive to power up. Leo starts doing some serious numbers, and that might just end up being a like 200 leo.

Well, for now, we just have to keep stacking, and shilling. Build bridges and talk about the token as much as you can on Twitter and any other social media you use. Fingers crossed and hope for the best.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta