
Bozzlife: Parler? Why not Hive?

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3 min read

These days it is pretty rare the amount of time that I spend on Facebook. Especially given the recent election stuff and some tinkering Facebook did with their algorithms that was causing people I had purposely unfollowed to start showing up in my feed again.

Let's be honest, there are quite a few things that Facebook actually does right. It is a great tool for staying connected with friends and family. Many businesses use Facebook versus a traditional web page to get out information and reach their target audience.

School districts like the one I work at use Facebook as a way to distribute updates and information to parents. In many cases it is the parents preferred method of contact or information.

While I don't necessarily believe in censorship, I do feel that Facebook and Twitter have the right to flag or remove false or misleading information from their platform. As good digital citizens, we should be fairly deft at recognizing false information or at the least know where to go to see if it is accurate or not.

Sadly, many people do not have the time or desire to do that and instead they propagate lies, false narratives, and the like throughout these platforms. As I said, I feel Facebook (or whatever) has the absolute right to block that stuff. I have never seen a single promotional material from any of the major social media platforms that touts freedom of speech. On the same token you also have every right to stop using that platform if you feel you are being censored.

Which brings me to Parler. Over the past couple of weeks I have been seeing a growing number of people on Facebook talking about a mass exit from Facebook to this Parler platform. This is unverified (I am a horrible digital citizen), but apparently Parler is a platform for people who lean to the far right politically.

I am not one of those people, so I don't really care to find out if that is the case. Let's say it is true and my wholesome down to Earth liberal morals and scarred for life from what I see there. In fact, I am avoiding linking to the site because if that is the case I don't want to give them any more traffic than necessary. Feel free to Google them if that sort of thing tickles your fancy.

My bigger question is, why not Hive?

Listen, I am not saying all members of the right are nut jobs, I know some very fine people who have different opinions than I do. However, occasionally the stuff can be very racist and nationalist at times. As much as I would hate to see that sort of stuff find it's way to Hive, I can't deny that it has a home here.

We truly are censorship free (for the most part). I am not going to be the one to do it, but with this mass exodus from Facebook, this could be a perfect opportunity to grow the Hive user base. We always talk about how we need more people on the platform, we never said we needed to agree with the content they post.

This isn't by any means a call to action. Think of it more as a food for thought exercise.

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