
Demanding Resources

avatar of @cmplxty
2 min read

Hi fellow Lions,

Today just going to explore the resource credits a little bit!


Demanding Resources

One of the things that I've found interesting is with the changes in the price of Hive, the demand on resources of the blockchain has been something I've been keeping an eye on. Not in any real super technical way of course, but just trying to see what we need to do in order to help someone start out on here.

One of the people I've helped a lot over the past few months has been a Splinterlands guild member of mine, Rayius. He's come a long way and definitely one of the people I would consider a very successful member of the community and has adapted well to the different things that happen on the chain here.

One of the things I've had to do a bit of though, is help him with resource credits! He hasn't had sufficient resource credits to comment, post and engage on Hive the way he wanted to and the way we always tell new users they should be doing.

With resource credits and Hive Power right now, it's been a little tricky for some of the newer players to get things rolling! Some of the new gamers from Splinterlands have jumped over to Hive to try and do some blogging about the game and all that which is fantastic. What many of them hit a snag in though are the credits! I've seen the Discord chat getting blown up with requests for resources and folks generally confused about it.


Resource Credit delegations are going to be a pretty awesome game changer and I'm hoping that we can get to that point sooner rather than later! I know that I, and many others, have resources that we are looking forward to delegating to whomever needs it but don't want to necessarily delegate them some Hive Power for a few reasons. For me, I don't love losing some strength in my voting power especially as I get closer to my goals of Hive Power. I'd love to lease out my resources and then not worry about the voting aspect of it.

What do you think about Resource Credits? I don't know if you experience many people who are desperate to get some but I've seen it a few times recently just in my Splinterlands guild!


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