
my first 25x

avatar of @felander
3 min read

I have been in the cryptocurrency space since early/mid 2017.

In crypto years that is like 354.

I am also an exception that got in through Steem back then and not through Bitcoin. But I have been earning and slowly buying here and there all this time. And in the first 8 months that was cool, everything was going up and I was going to be a millionaire and retire. Then came 2018 and things have been going down ever since. I bought a few ICO's in small amounts and not knowing what I bought they tanked so no retirement for me.

Since then I have been reading a lot. Starting with Bitcoin and then working my way deeper. I do not read all the technical stuff but I can understand the concepts.

Through this whole bear market, I have been patiently buying a bit of BTC every month and that has been good but not life-changing either.

Now part of my research was in part listening to

  • Realvision
  • Datadash
  • Nuggets News

I can recommend all of these for information on both a macro view of how this world works and where it is going. Especially Realvision.

But it was on Nuggets News that I found a little bit more practical info and research that I put to work.

I starter putting slices of 200 USD in different projects and most have done OK or are just hovering along their level waiting for a breakout.

I completely missed the DEFI craze as it took me fully by surprise and I was not sure enough in the beginning. The Staking of LEO has helped on that topic because it forced me to learn a bit more and overcome my fear of doing something stupid.

So if you know KOGS, those are the NFT's that are being sold on Komodo and are a real big hit.

These are developed by RED FOX LABS and it was in an interview by Nuggets News that I learned about those. I agree with his thesis that even though DEFI is really cool and was a big potential, the next big thing is NFTs and Blockchain gaming.

So near the end of August, I got my 200 USD and bought some RFOX

The trick here is that it is currently only trading on Liquid and is very Illiquid, to be honest. If you want to sign up then use the link below as it gives you a discount on the trading fees and me as well.

So as it stands my 200 USD is worth 5000 today. My first 25X

Usually, I take out some of the money and recuperate my input to just play with house money but I am not doing this here.

This project is

  • launching so many new things and
  • has signed a few huge partnerships.
  • It is going to reward token holders with a split of token just for RedFox gaming beginning Oktober
  • only has a marketcap of 13 million and is ranked 320 on coingecko.

I believe this is going higher and that 0.16 cents is not the point to sell.
But who am I, just do your own research but maybe this can be a pointer :-)

I am just happy to have my first 25X

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