
Silver Thoughts

avatar of @funnel
2 min read an older post of mine as you can see here i was presenting the mad course of gold and i was in doubt whether investing in gold would be a good or bad idea at that point of time.... ...i never thought silver would be at the same level of profitability.... see silver is much much much more cheaper than gold so obtaining 1 kilogramm of silver is not a big issue...small money i would order to make a serious move you have to invest in at least 5 -10 kilos of silver.... ..huuuhhh....who is going to carry all this metal....unless you go to war with werewolves it's too much trouble for not serious profit.... ...but i was wrong...see the chart below it is 24 hours silver status...

picture taken from []( you can very clearly see it is 24.19 US dollars per was 17 something dollars per ounce....we are talking about a big big profit here... the smart ones probably saw that and invested in Silver.....the dumb ones -including me - didn't even give a try to see where silver was lying at that point of time...... what?? fck nothing!!!....sit down and wait to fall...or take the risk and invest.... want my opinion??...probably nobody gives a flying fck about my opinion but who gives a sh@t after all, i'm going to spell it i wouldn't invest in Silver right now...i bought some gold on the other hand....don't know if i'm wrong or right but metal is better than the stock market... .....let me tell you that my portfolio in stocks is 80% down from February in the Greek Stock market....pure scammers...and then they talk about crypto and what a big scam this is....fcken scammers!!!....crypto is the future ...if i had invest in LEO i would be in a fcken crazy profit level by now.... ...forget about it...just fcken forget about it....i'm swearing a lot today i think its time to put an end at this post... is a six months chart of Silver status...check its way to the top!!!

picture taken from [](

P.S. forgot to say comments always welcome...lets cry together....

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