
What are you worth dead

avatar of @galenkp
3 min read

I'm very much alive for now; Life is fickle and things happen though right? - People die, some very suddenly. A friend is facing that prospect right now. A chance minor-accident and subsequent hospital visit revealed pancreatic cancer. His life is now measured in a handful of weeks.

It's something my wife and I have thought about in the past and Faith and I have planned for just such an event. One of us passing away, the instant loss of income, could be financially ruining to the other and so we've prepared as best we can.

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We both have death insurance which pays out to the other in the advent of one of us dying; I'll not disclose the amount but it's sizeable to ensure the remaining person is able to live debt-free and financially-comfortable for the rest of their life. It's costly to maintain however the implications of not having it could be devastating at a time when one is deep in grief over the loss.

We both have total and permanent disablement cover (TPD) also; It pays in the advent of permanent disablement; A vehicle accident, electrocution in the house, a stroke or some such unexpected event...Things which happen daily around the country and world.

We were discussing our position after I brought home the news of our friend who we will soon lose and both agreed that we felt we'd done the right thing in respect of our death cover. I spoke to my friend yesterday and he said, "at least my family will be ok financially". Whilst money doesn't replace the person, financial ruination after someone's death isn't going to make things any easier. It made me sad, but happy that he had taken the right steps to secure his wife's future.

We looked at our insurances, discussed amounts to make sure we were happy with them, and talked about my cryptocurrency which would also go to her should I die.

Faith wouldn't know how to sell or maintain my portfolio but my brother @tarazkp would help. I trust him so he has my keys and passwords so on my demise he will discuss things with Faith, sell and transfer the funds or manage it on her behalf. That's the plan and we feel good having a strategy.

Many people don't consider these things; It's unpleasant to think about one's death of course, despite it being everyone's end destination; But sticking one's head in the sand and failing to arrange for it is, in my humble opinion, irresponsible. Especially if there's a partner or children left behind.

Should this be my last post and my life ended tonight I know Faith, the most important person in my life, would be devastated but not financially compromised. She would receive my death payment, my superannuation, metals, our properties and other investments plus my cryptocurrency; Nothing compared to having me around, but something for her future without me.

I'm not planning to check out tonight though, but I get a feeling of comfort knowing she will be ok financially should it happen.

So...My title...It's rhetorical of course...But maybe something everyone of us should be asking ourselves...No matter how much or little one has. Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well Discord: galenkp#9209

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