
Auto upvote Delima; getting the perfect article embracing both sportstalksocial and Leofinance values

avatar of @lebey1
1 min read


Creation of articles to fit into a Community is hard but then, more confusion arises when you are been placed on an auto upvote of some certain tribes.

I am currently in that state of confusion as Auto-upvote has managed to dictate what I get to post on the platform and it is has been energy draining both physically and mentally. The urge of not missing out on the value of votes to be gotten could be very daunting.

In clearer terms, I happened to have been placed on auto upvote by some users of sportstalksocial, lassecash, leofinance and CTP. For the most part, it has been easy to get by but the bigger issue has been creating an article fitting both sportstalksocial and Leofinance together.

For clarity's sake, sportstalksocial is a community that welcomes just sports-related posts on their platform and they frown on other types of posts. Also, Leofinance focuses on monetary posts such as businesses, cryptocurrencies, and financial talks whilst aggressively frowning on another niche.

Sometimes it's hard finding a topic that will fit both just to claim the reward but sometimes it brings one imaginative skill on full display and that could be a good thing.

So for now, I just dance to the tune till I will be more setup to leave one for one and till then, just keep enjoying the mix.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta