
avatar of @markkujantunen
1 min read

Many discuss the idea of dollar cost averaging when it comes to investing. What is interesting is that on Hive, along with the other tokens, is that when we are rewarded, we add to our holdings. The difference is the fiat price is zero. Thus we are adding to the total without adding more money into the pot.

There is an opportunity cost. But nothing in life is without one.

"...the reputational benefit from posting consistently through good and bad times."

This is vital. Many want to develop a following but they do not realize how valuable it is to be consistent. When times are slow, it is much easier for people to stand out.

The operative term if habit building. By posting consistently and being somewhat consistent in what and how you posts, you train your readers to form the habit of checking out your posts. So, it is not only about creating a habit for yourself but your audience, too.

When newer people join, during the bull runs, guess who people gravitate towards? Those who are influencers. Where does that influence come from? From posting during the down times.


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