
There is no secret to success on Hive.

avatar of @niallon11
4 min read

Look at all of those whale accounts!!!

It's a scary sight, isn't it?

Big angry accounts, roaming wild with the ability to make your week or wipe out your account. Welcome to the metaverse.

A place where you live or die by your account and here it's based on hive power. It does remind me slightly of ready player one where the players with all of the resources dominate the battle fields killing off the smaller accounts.

When I joined Hive, that's exactly how it was. You had to hide in the shadows, careful not to be swallowed by passing whales as they moved from one area to the next, sucking up all of the resources.

When you are just a tiny fish swimming around with the big whales, it is easy to get swallowed up but hard to get noticed.

Looking at these accounts from a distance it might seem that they are uncontrollably large and that it is a unachievable goal to reach those levels yourself but that is not the case.

They are just further along the road than you are. Every one of those accounts started with nothing and kept on going. The majority of them have just been here for a very long time and that is how they have reached those levels.

Not through buying it or by some magic formula. They have just kept growing.

There is no secret to growth.

It's painfully obvious, it's just that most people don't like to hear the truth.

To grow your account to these levels. "You will need to keep adding funds to them over a long period of time."

You add to your account and then keep compounding those gains.

It's the same as trying to lose weight. There is no magic secret. You just have to eat healthy and exercise. Most people just don't like to accept the truth. That there is no shortcut to achieving weight loss. You have to do the right things, every day over a long period of time.

Just like increasing your crypto holdings.

When i started four years ago, i had nothing.

No money, no knowledge and no clue what i was doing. I wasted my first six months doing the wrong things entirely instead of doing the right things every day and i would be much farther down the line than i am now.

The smart thing to do would have been to see how others had reached their current growth and then seeing what went right and wrong for them. By learning from their mistakes, i could have saved hundreds of hours of wasted work to get to this point now.

In fact, I could be much further down the line than i am right now.

Some very simple things could go a long way for new users. It might seem basic but it helped me.

  • Nobody knows who you are so they won't vote for you.
    • It takes time to build a brand and a reputation. This is no different here than to anywhere else. Engage first and build connections. You can write a hundred posts but the chances are that nobody will see them. Build your brand first and then try to create that engagement.
  • Keep powering up.
    • The longer that you are here. The faster that you will grow. This is helped by growing your hive power as it earns you consumer rewards and also shows others that you are supporting their work. The more that you have, the more that you will get. People also like to see users that are committed to growth and not just rewards. We want people that will still be here in four years time sitting on our levels and helping others to grow as well.
  • Don't throw money at shitcoins.
    • It's always tempting to try and chase the next big payday but chances are that you will lose money along the way. Slow and steady growth wins out over time and if i could get back all of the hive that i have thrown at projects it would add up nicely. Hive power is the key, shitcoins lose money at some stage.
  • Engage as much as you can.
    • As newer users there is a lot to learn. Luckily the whales that are here now are the ones who want to help others. There is lots to be learned and this is the place to learn it all. You will make connections, earn upvotes and increase your knowledge just by asking good questions and participating.
  • It's a long term game.
    • Success doesn't happen overnight. I rarely does. Most success is built behind the scenes, slowly and painfully. The results are then seen as a miracle but the truth is that everything takes time. If you want to grow to those levels then you need to turn up every day and do something. Everything that you can add to your account will help over a long period of time. Hive is a compounding machine that just needs to be fed.
  • Find new ways to earn revenue.
    • I delegate out second layer tokens.
    • Rent splinterlands cards.
    • Enter competitions.
    • Blog
    • Enter weekly posting contests.
    • Look for airdrops.
    • Play games.
    • Defi

There are lots of ways to earn on hive. The main things is to keep doing them consistently and keep adding back into the pile.

It can get frustrating sometimes looking up at bigger accounts and thinking that you will never grow. I've been there and still remember trying to earn my first 100 HP. It was slow, painful and frustrating.

Now it happens every day. That is the power of growth and compounding. A six month task now takes one day. There are others who can do it every hour. They are just further down the line than i am.

Someday, i will get to that stage but only with time and cinsistency.

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