
My Splinterland Journey So Far

avatar of @readthisplease
2 min read

I have been exploring the game, and I must say am making little progress. Baby steps, it shows that the more I play the game, the more I understand things. From my First post concerning My First splinterland experience I had a lot of people encouraging me and telling me what to do to win more battles. I’m really grateful, your advice helped.

First of all, I had to get my self acquainted to the UI of the splinterlands platform. Initially when I started playing, I noticed that whenever am close to exhausting my character choosing mana card, I spend a lot of time looking for a character that can fit in with my remaining number mana. For instance if I want to select cards with a specific mana number, all I needed to do was click on the number below and manas with similar number characters appear, makes it easier for me to choose my cards based on my mana numbers.

I won one battle with water and I have that water sign there, trying to fill it up to reveal my special gift. Can’t wait for that.

I finally understood the cards basics, I know how to interpret a card’s skills now when I see it.

I finally earned some DEC (Dark Energy Crystal) after winning a couple of battles. Lately my losses are more than my wins, but remember my last post on Celebrate Your Achievements No Matter How Little You Think They Are, am trying by lead by example. I’m very excited to get to this extent I didn’t think I would go through with the game this far.

If you are a player and you use discord, if you don’t mind showing me or teaching me somethings here is my discord tag : readthisplease#5754 , I love learning new things. Thanks a lot in advance.

Thank you for reading my post and my experience I will come back for more

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