
Hard Moon Coming for Porn?

avatar of @revisesociology
2 min read

My alt account @flossmeoff is slowly rising up the wranks on the PORN rich list, having just broken through that symbolic 100K PORN barrier.

I did a rare celebratory post to, well, celebrate:

Note: I only ever post top quality material on Hive!

PORN might be suffering from some limp peformance ATM, what with the platform mainly consisting of a handful of people spam posting links to various porn offerings, and the occasional genuine real amateur or semi-professional model posting a few things for a few days or weeks and then just disappearing forever , but you never know, it would only take a minor miracle for things to turn around and for porn to moon hard!

There are in fact several ways in which PORN could MOON...

Firstly, the manufacture and consumption of porn could suddenly become socially acceptable so that people don't mind having their interactions with porn stars stored forever on a public blockchain.

THEN, all that has to happen is for the many many professional models to find DPORN and start posting, which would have to coincide with a retro-movement towards a demand for blogs and static pictures and away from video content on the part of consumers.

THEN all said consumers have to do is learn about Hive and Hive-Engine tokens and power up with PORN to reward their favourite porn stars.

Alternatively, if the mass public consumption of porn doesn't become popular, perhaps people will start to use DPORN as a place to upload their anonymous 'dick pics' - and there is always the possibility of combining this with a series of dick pic NFTs, which again could increase the demand for PORN.

Failing that, there are enough jokers on Hive willing to spunk a few quid on shit coins in order to be a larger fish in a smaller pond, and that alone could see the price of PORN rise.

So maybe PORN is worth a VEST, you might just receive a huge load of returns if you buy some!

Final Thoughts

This post isn't supposed to be in the remotest bit serious, honestly I've just got more money than sense and snaffling up PORN tokens every now then with a little Hive here and there amuses me.

Let's face it, PORN is probably going to remain limp forever!

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