
splinterlands daily swear fest - getting closer to diamond 2

avatar of @rxhector
1 min read

getting in a few early rounds - keeping the run going

almost to diamond 2 - might make it if i don't get a crappy splinter for the daily LOL

battles are getting tougher

at least it's win 1 - lose 1 instead of yesterdays 'lose 13' bullshit

ok, wore out the $dec recovery rate - time for a break

death for the daily and i get my ass kicked the first two matches

goddammit - here comes sthe level 10's

followed by a bunch of fucking gold cards - great

i only 2 more wins for the daily - and all the high-lvel fuckers gotta be playing right now

got lucky and smashed an all gold card life splinter - feels good when that happens

and now for the fucking low mana bullshit matches

took the daily in diamond 3 - i still got one more day to make it to 2

we'll see how it goes

got a couple rares today at least ;)

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