
avatar of @trumpman2
2 min read

You make fair points, except for my post which of course is awesome. Cause its mine.

To share some thoughts on my curation. I try my best to curate everybody posting through the interface. But I take various things under consideration, other than just post quality. Let's take @forexbrokr for example. His posts aren't the best! BUT he is doing some serious work, promoting leofinance on twitter and quora and other shit. That's why I usually give him higher votes compared to other people making "better" posts. Same applies to people that post non hive/leo stuff, usually I give them higher votes, especially if the don't post everyday, like @beehivetrader. Unfortunately, the problem with spreading my votes thin is that I rarely give somebody a good push. But I think with time, as the wealth is spread more and more this will fix itself. Also I generally avoid upvoting at all people that have a big stake. At all. Cause if leo becomes a succeed they and I will be rich anyways.

Being a whale means that people vote me, regardless of quality, hoping I will vote them in return and they gain my favor or whatever. To an extent, that's true (because they get an extra chance to get noticed by me) but generally I don't give a shit. Unfortunately, that's an inherent problem with PoS and I can't think of a way to solve it. Other than not posting. Call me greedy, but I think I deserve one self vote on my posts a day.

In the meantime I will keep doing what I do. Shitposting, spreading the wealth, shill leo everywhere I can and onboard as many users as I can. This is how I have fun here :)

Let's pamp it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta