
One Month into Cosmos and Airdrops Started Flowing In... Looking for Some Juicy LP Across The Ecosystem

avatar of @xabi
2 min read



Cosmos network is kind of big on airdrops. They keep on coming as new protocols are being launched on the network. Thanks to @jk6276 for getting me into Cosmos. Last month I have staked around 20 Atoms into cosmos. I am unstaking my Atoms now, not to move away from network but to invest in some liquidity pools to earn better returns. 20 Atoms is too little amount to sit on for a small staking reward.

So, last week I had a taste of my 1st cosmos airdrop in the form of Chihuahua(the meme token of Cosmos). I have got 2040 Chihuahua, although they value a few dollars but free money nevertheless.

Two days ago, BTSG completed their airdrop stackers of ATOM, OSMO and JUNO. BTSG is the native token of the Bitsong network, a project with goal to become the corner stone of decentralized music industry.

The full details of BTSG airdrop can be found here. You can connect your Keplr wallet to to check how many BTSG tokens you got airdropped. I wasn't lucky with BTSG airdrop, as I didn't receive any tokens. May be the snapshot date was before I started staking or may be my chosen validators are worries. I actually got some some BTSG tokens airdropped in my Cosmos wallet, which I had to send to my Bitsong Address using the bridge.

So, as mentioned earlier I am unstacking my staked Atoms and looking to invest in some promising LP to accrue better returns. I am even interested in throwing in a around $1k more, because there is no better thing than having juicy rewards plus the frequently happening airdrops.
So, I welcome any of you peeps recommending a nice LP across the Cosmos Ecosystem.

Happy Farming!

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