
HBD in Savings Helps You, But Hive in HivePower Helps EVERYONE! .:. April 1st HivePUD

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3 min read

If you are on HIVE and you regularly check different communities, you can find endless topics for your future posts... There are always good discussions about different topics... I know that we are maybe living in a bubble communicating with each other on this platform, but I have a feeling that every single moment spent here is well "invested"... Why is it different to engage on HIVE than on Facebook, for example?

For example, the basic concept/premise of Facebook is to make revenue for the company itself and advertisers on the platform... The same concept is present in every mainstream media... They CREATE news to be more popular to extract more money from advertisers, not for helping you or to keep you informed... I know it sounds weird... But, let me know, how much value do you receive by watching some reality show with a bunch of people on a tropical island?

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Maybe it's just inside my head, or because of the "bubble communities" where I like to read posts or comment on HIVE, but engaging with others here is always directed toward "community success"! We are working on the same goal, and the whole blockchain is created in that way, that you can succeed ONLY if your fellow Hivian succeeds too! Because of that, I found (certain) discussions on HIVE much more important than watching a guy on a TV telling you how to live your life... What the heck he knows about my life? On the other side, my fellow Havian knows, and he knows if I need someone to motivate me, to show me the way...

This blockchain is architecturally awesome... We have these two "currencies" on 1 blockchain which can be hard to understand how they work, even for "older" Hivers... And to be honest, I have spent significant time in the last few days trying to grasp everything... It is transparent and everyone can do it... I will not explain to you how HBD works compared to HIVE, which one is better, what are pros and cons, whether is there a need for 2 currencies, etc...

After spending time understanding how all that works, I came to one simple conclusion that everyone can acknowledge...

Having HBD in your savings helps you, but having Hive in HivePower helps EVERYONE!

Did you find something similar in another place?

Back to the most important thing today! Time to power up some HIVE!

This was my HivePower BEFORE the PowerUP:

Powering UP ALL liquid Hive as always:

And the final result is:

Next stop... 65K Hive Power!!!

In my last #hivepud post, I shared my concerns about getting the Hive PUM (Power UP Month) badge for March, but I did it again! For the third time in a row which is something that I didn't expect... I don't create posts every day, so I was doing small power-ups every single day during the past month... If you want to create some routines, maybe you should try it too... 😀 To get this badge, you should power up at least 1 HIVE every day of the month...

So, what is #hivepud?

Just a short introduction to HivePUD... What does it mean at all? #hivepud is shortened for the Hive Power Up Day. It's an event when Hive members power up their liquid HIVE and stop any active PowerDown! It is organized by great fellow Hivians @streetstyle and @traciyork and is held every 1st day of a month.

You can check all the details about the #hivepud at the official post that you can find it here:

Thank you for your valuable time,


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Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on LEO Finance .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

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