
3 am... finally going to bed!

Spent the last 4hours working with Text To Speech for my Master's Degree.

My teacher loves NetBeans instead of Intelij, so I spent a bunch of time trying to remember how to compile a Java project through the terminal with a classpath. Basically, chinese.

  • Compile:

javac -d build/classes -cp lib/voce.jar src/sm/Jogo.java

  • Run:

java -classpath build/classes/:lib/* sm.Jogo

I know I could just run it through NetBeans, but the UI is so ugly!

Intelij is so much more beautiful!

I might need to install something to make NetBean's UI better.

#programming #engineering #mydiary #tech

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Sometimes I just want to scream at other people's work ethics and values.

Team member is developing something for a flow and wants to merge his changes to the epic branch, I went ahead and ran his branch to see if it impacted the whole flow and if everything was working.

Not only were his changes all messed up, with only half the stuff actually working, but also his changes would break the rest of the flow that is already developed and working fine.

Camon man...

And we are supposed to deliver this this week to QA!

I would help out, I would... if the guy wasn't always leaving for a doctor's appointment or in class studying something else.

I can't help a person that doesn't want to work... I also have my own tasks to do!

He is getting paid twice what I am, and has years and years of more experience!

#mydiary #tech #programming #engineering

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There are tools for everything now!

Took me about 5 minutes to deploy contract on a chain and it's like every field such as #programming, #coding, #graphics all that can be done to some extent with #ai.

It's everywhere.

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