
Splinterlands: Strengthening my Gladius collection for brawls.

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Splinterlands: Strengthening my Gladius collection for brawls.

When it come to brawls , I am decently maintaining my win rate greater then 50% and sometime it will go over 75% too when I win 7 to 8 battles out of 9. I am not sure if I did clean sweep once or twice but once I started playing for IG2, my overall performance is good.

In my last brawl I was actually got surprised by Larissa Kerato Gladius card and I have Quora Towershead that is really one of most used card in the brawls so I cannot ignore the Gladius cards at all. Since my playing in brawls and focus chest rewarding me in Merits so I decided to look at my Merits balance to buy Gladius packs and I find nice amount of Merits so I purchased 16 Gladius (15 +1).

Once buying the Gladius pack , I remembered that someone suggested to use "Blood Stone" and "Power Stone" for opening up the packs and I found that "Power Stone" is not available in my guild as current store level is lower then required. "Power Stone" increase the chance of getting the Gold foil. I am able to get "Power Stone" from my store that help in getting more Legendary cards but since I already spent my merits for packs so I just able to buy Bloodstone that are enough for for opening 5 packs, so I opened 5 packs today and below are my results.

Unbelievable, First pack itself give me legendary and it is Larissa Kerato, card that motivated me to buy the Gladius pack.

Second pack, I got one more legendary Finalno Voxom that is also not existing on my collection.

Nothing Spectacular in this pack and I already have all the cards in my collection so they are not unique to me but help in levelling up.

Wow! Quora Towershead, I guess levelling up this card is the best deal , hope to get more in future.

2 rare cards in this pack so it is not at all bad pack.

Since my "Blood Stone" charge is run out, so I decided to wait for more Merits and will open remaining packs after purchasing the Blood stones for them.

My other post in Splinterlands.

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Note for my affiliates

If you want to play splinterlands then you can join it here

I saw few of the player joined the game using my affiliate link and then stopped playing after few battles. If you have any difficulty in playing game, do not hesitate and join the game discord. It is really helping community and contact me here or on discord, I will definitely review your game for your better game experience.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta